SIMSA 2018 AGM - Results in 4 New Board Members

May 16, 2018
SIMSA held its AGM today at The Ramada Hotel in Saskatoon.   SIMSA’s original board was formed in March of 2013 – with the formation of SIMSA. The Board has 12 seats, with terms of 2 years for a maximum of 3 consecutive terms.  As such, some of the original Board members have hit this … Continued


SIMSA Begins Development of the "Saskatchewan Supplier Data Base"

May 15, 2018
See PowerPoint from announcement at SIMSA’s AGM (with further details and screen grabs) HERE SIMSA is please to announce the next key initiative stemming from our strong and growing relationship with the major resource sector companies.   Our “roundtable” events provided unprecedented access to their procurement and other staff.  With their further cooperation, we have begun creating … Continued


SIMSA's Rapid Growth Continues Thanks to Partnerships

May 15, 2018
Download PDF version HERE   May 16th, 2018 Executive Director’s Report – 2018 SIMSA AGM   Hello SIMSA Members, It has been an exciting year as our Association continues to grow. As a guiding set of principles, I have worked towards: enabling SIMSA members to earn more money via; face-to-face networking events business education events representing … Continued


SIMSA-K+S Potash Canada Roundtable – Continued Stunning Participation

February 1, 2018
February 1st, 2018 PDF version available HERE   K+S Potash Canada continued the tradition of stunning participation at the SIMSA-K+S Potash Canada Roundtable on January 31st, 2018 – see HERE. The SIMSA K+S Potash Canada Roundtable Event saw 12 key staff members attend from K+S.  SIMSA’s Executive Director Eric Anderson stated, “When you consider they are … Continued


IMII DEMOday 2018

December 21, 2017
In addition to the IMII’s Innovation Award – see HERE – the IMII and SIMSA now have DEMOday 2018 – see HERE or below!  Both events will allow your concept/product to be reviewed by your target market and perhaps gain some recognition and/or development funding!  The IMII – the International Minerals Innovation Institute – is … Continued


IMII Innovation Awards 2018

December 21, 2017
In addition to the IMII’s DEMOday 2018 – see HERE – the IMII and SIMSA now have the Innovation Awards 2018 – see HERE or below!  Both events will allow your concept/product to be reviewed by your target market and perhaps gain some recognition and/or development funding!  The IMII – the International Minerals Innovation Institute – is a partnership between Agrium, … Continued


SIMSA STC PCS – a landmark event

December 18, 2017
December 15th, 2017 SIMSA STC PCS – a landmark event PDF version of this release is HERE   The “landmark event” –  SIMSA STC PotashCorp Business Forum; Growing Together – saw the supply chain sit with the economic development arm of the 7 Saskatoon Tribal Council First Nations, and PotashCorp to discuss business opportunities.  Never before … Continued


SIMSA Statement on Alberta Plated Vehicles

December 8, 2017
December 8th, 2017 SIMSA Statement on Alberta Plated Vehicles Regarding the Government of Saskatchewan policy of “Alberta Plated Vehicles Won’t Be Allowed on Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure’s New Job Sites;“  The Saskatchewan Industrial and Mining Suppliers Association (SIMSA) makes the following statement, “We want a policy that is fair to Saskatchewan contractors.” – 30 … Continued