Grow your Saskatchewan-based business with the Saskatchewan Industrial and Mining Suppliers Association

At SIMSA, our mission is to help your business – and the Saskatchewan supply chain – to grow and improve.

We do that by promoting your capabilities as one of our member-suppliers, by representing your interests and concerns, and by engaging industry, the Government, and other partners to give you unprecedented access to expanded opportunities for your business.

Join SIMSA today and get:

  • BHP Jansen Potash Project – Be on one of the databases – SIMSA’s member database – utilized and reviewed by the Project’s Contracts and Procurement Team to identify suitable businesses when developing the potential list of contractors for a specific scope of work. Our database is one of the databases included in the competitive bid process. They have completed over 40,000 database searches to date!

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    Access top-of-the-line group benefits – Get robust, customizable coverage exclusive to SIMSA member companies with Protecture – SIMSA Member Benefits Plan. Designed and managed by the experts to give employees peace of mind and employers a competitive edge, coverage is inclusive and comprehensive—giving you access to the benefits you want, whether you’re below ground or above ground, behind a desk or behind the wheel.

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    More sales opportunities – The bottom line for your business is the bottom line for us; we’re here to help you make the connections and decisions that will make your business more profitable. There were 21,758 searches on our member database by procurement persons in 2023. In 2022, a polling of our members revealed that they estimate there will be $550-million in leads generated from SIMSA’s work in 2022, then $890-million into 2023. Similarly, the value of business generated or greatly assisted by SIMSA’s efforts in 2022 will be $420-million and $670-million in 2023.

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    Greater exposure – SIMSA Roundtable and Speed Networking events bring you face-to-face with executives and procurement staff from world-class companies like BHP, Cameco, Crescent Point Energy, Enbridge, Federated Co-operative, Husky Energy, K+S Potash, Mosaic, Nutrien, SaskEnergy, SaskPower, and TC Energy, among others. And SIMSA has signed MOU’s with GE Hitachi, X-energy, and the OCNI to see us spearhead supply chain development in SMR deployments.

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    Members-only perks – SIMSA members get exclusive access to
    the SIMSA Saskatchewan Supplier Database, a guide that includes contact information for top-tier ECPMs and procurement executives in Saskatchewan and beyond. You also benefit by having SIMSA as a powerful advocate standing behind you.

Requirements to join SIMSA

To become a SIMSA member, your business must have a physical presence in Saskatchewan and meet additional SIMSA membership requirements. Please see our SIMSA Membership FAQs and Membership Criteria for more information.

Join SIMSA today and start growing your Saskatchewan-based business! Download our Membership FAQs, Membership Criteria and Membership Application to get started today.