SIMSA's 2017 AGM Marks Transitions

May 23, 2017

May 23rd, 2017

SIMSA’s 2017 AGM Marks Transitions

[PDF version of this item is HERE

The Saskatchewan Industrial and Mining Suppliers Association (SIMSA) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) today – it marked several transitions in their Board, Bylaws, and membership size.  The AGM also featured a presentation on transition in Saskatchewan’s potash sector, with a presentation by Mike Ferguson, President/CEO of Gensource Potash.









Jim Nowakowski speaks at SIMSA’s 2017 AGM.

SIMSA’s Board grew to a full slate of 12 members with Jim Nowakowski transitioning from Chair into Past Chair and Ken Cenaiko transitioning from Vice Chair to now Chair.  SIMSA also saw Bruce Lyle (GMR Electric) step down, and Jim Thompson (Brandt) not seek re-election.

New to SIMSA’s Board are: Jeff Burton, AGI Envirotank; Jim Rhode, Davis Machine; Kelly Panteluk, Kelly Panteluk Construction; Kipp Sakundiak, Prairie Machine and Parts; and Robb Tebb, Xtended Hydraulics and Machine

A full listing of SIMSA Board members can be seen here.

At the AGM, SIMSA Bylaws were revised to better reflect practice, especially in the area of Membership qualification/designation.  SIMSA’s new Bylaws can be seen here.

Also, the results of SIMSA’s 2017 membership survey were released – marking yet more transition.  According to the 2017 SIMSA Member survey completed in May 2017 and released today, since the last report, SIMSA’s membership has grown from; representing 3,000 employees to now over 9,000 employees (9,016 to be exact), and from $3-billion in annual revenues to now $8.9-billion.

The Survey also revealed that SIMSA has been providing great value to its members, as SIMSA’s events from January 2016 to current, have generated over 752 business leads potentially worth $293-million.  With SIMSA’s membership growing by 47% over the past 6-months, the value of these leads and those from similar efforts into the future, will increase dramatically over time.

Further details on SIMSA’s membership survey and the full report on it, can be found here.

Mike Ferguson spoke on Gensource Potash’s innovative potash mining proposal for Saskatchewan.  Gensource proposes to mine potash with far less tailings than is customary, and with a scalable project allowing for smaller initial capital expenditures.









Mike Ferguson speaks at SIMSA’s 2017 AGM.


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About The Saskatchewan Industrial and Mining Suppliers Association (SIMSA):

SIMSA is the Saskatchewan Industrial and Mining Suppliers Association, representing Saskatchewan based companies who provide goods and services to mining, oil and gas and industrial projects.  SIMSA’s membership of over 100 companies, represents $9-billion in annual revenues.  SIMSA’s mandate is to represent the interests and concerns of Saskatchewan industrial equipment and service suppliers, through promotion of its members and the creation of partnerships with industry and other associations.  SIMSA was formed in April 2013.


For more information, contact:

Eric Anderson, Executive Director

Saskatchewan Industrial and Mining Suppliers Association (SIMSA)

811 – 56th Street East

Saskatoon, SK

S7K 5Y9
