See PowerPoint from announcement at SIMSA’s AGM (with further details and screen grabs) HERE
SIMSA is please to announce the next key initiative stemming from our strong and growing relationship with the major resource sector companies. Our “roundtable” events provided unprecedented access to their procurement and other staff. With their further cooperation, we have begun creating a Saskatchewan Supplier Database.
This database will be used as it is being funded by the resource companies and it will be secure as it is being created by a company BHP uses – Beagle Productions.
The Saskatchewan Supplier Database will run from the SIMSA website and hold information from SIMSA members. It will be fully searchable/sortable by only the major resource sector companies. The fields within the database will reflect those typically found in a collection of watered-down “Pre Qual” forms; as for it to be regularly used by the major resource sector companies, they need to be able to find what they need, in a format that they require. In short, we are creating something for them to use on a regular base to short list suppliers – the first stop (and perhaps maybe the only stop) for locating Saskatchewan suppliers.
SIMSA has already confirmed 2-year funding for the database the Government of Saskatchewan, Mosaic, Nutrien, TransCanada, SaskPower, and soon others. The funding will pay for the initial design and development of the site, plus 2-years maintenance. These same companies, and others, are also participating in the database’s design.
The site was conceptualised during a conversation with BHP. BHP has already developed a similar site (in another target area), and we are using the same software developer to build ours – Saskatoon based Beagle Productions. As such, development of the Saskatchewan Supplier Database has already started based upon BHP’s requirements – it will be secure – and will soon blend-in others. Also, we anticipate that BHP will be joining the funding group in the near future.
Launch of Data Base presentation at SIMSA 2018 AGM – Dale Friesen of Beagle Productions portion