SIMSA’s Manager of Member Services, James Bulmer, provides personalized advice to SIMSA members regarding sustainability, such as innovation, carbon reduction, labour, and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives in the supply chain.

Sustainability includes all items which could threaten the long-term commercial viability of a major resource sector project, as well as individual companies. These long-term threats include labour, energy transition, carbon reduction, innovation requirements, government and community relations (indigenous and DEI), local supply chain health, etc.

In addition, SIMSA assists members in meeting the IMII’s minerals member company needs on:

  • Innovation
  • Carbon accounting, reporting, and reduction
  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

The service also acts as a connector between SIMSA members and;

  • resource producers – relaying industries’ needs as well as SIMSA members’ abilities to fulfill them (especially in the area of digital innovation)
  • solutions providers – sourcing leads to 3rdparty solutions for SIMSA members to address industries’ current and future needs (especially in the area of carbon reduction)
  • funding agencies – sourcing leads to funding agencies to assist in these efforts.

This service will be completed in concert with the International Minerals Innovation Institute (IMII) and PrairiesCAN.